No-Wipe PVP Cluster
Server daily restart - 6:00AM EST
Wild dino wipes - every 12 hours
Element and Tribute Transfers - Enabled
Tribe Tame Limit - 800
Structure Snap Limit - 7500
7 Man Tribes
6 Hour tribeslot cooldown
Optimized and Balanced PVP Engrams
No structure collision (a few exceptions)
Structure and player mesh prevention
Advanced Ark Anti-Cheat and Anti-Dupe
100 Turret Limit and Vanilla Turret Range
Structure pick-up - Enabled via S+ Tool
No auto-locked structures
Custom stack sizes


Base 7 Man Tribe Rates:
10x Experience
5x Harvesting
50x Taming
0.25 Mating Interval (4-12 hour cooldown)
50x Mating Speed
50x Egg Hatch Speed
10x Baby Mature Speed
2x Hexagon Reward Multiplier
10x Crop Growth Speed
Max Hexagons 2 500 000


Base 2-3 Man Tribe Rates:
14x Experience

7x Harvest

70x Taming


Base Solo Tribe Rates:

20x Experience

10x Harvest

100x Taming

Increased rates are disabled on wipe


Keep in mind, this setting may not be abused and is balanced with certain plugins. 


Earn points to spend in the Ark Shop by playing the game, donating, voting, and doing achievements and quests.

All players can earn 120 points daily by VOTING for the server using this link: 
*After voting, type /claim in game to receive your points.


Default Points - 5 points/hr

Discord Server Booster - 10 points/hr
Pink Name Color
Primitive - Earn 30 points/hr

Grey Name Color
Ramshackle - Earn 40 points/hr

Light Green Name Color
Apprentice - Earn 75 points/hr

Blue Name Color
Journeyman - Earn 100 points/hr

Purple Name Color
Mastercraft - Earn 125 points/hr

Yellow Name Color
Ascendant - Earn 125 points/hr

Teal Name Color

Immortal - Earn 150 points/hr

Black Name Color


ORP is a structure that has to be placed in order to activate. It looks like a tek forcefield, and can be found in your engrams named MAGA ORP.
Increased Offline Raid Protection (Turrets deal 3x damage and structures have 3x resistance within the ORP range) upon last member logging off or transferring off the map UNLESS last player logged out on ORP Cooldown. Always do /orp before logging off or transferring! Orp works PER MAP, so if your ORP is active on one map, it is active and your base is safe if you are on another map.
*ORP cooldown lasts 10 minutes after engaging in any PVP activity. Logging out on ORP cooldown delays ORP activation by 4 hours, so be sure to type /orp before logging to make sure you are not on cooldown!
*ORP decays and stops working after 48 hours of inactivity. You must log in at least once every 48 hours to keep your ORP active.


Everyone receives New Player Protection when joining the server for 7 days. (only works if MAGA ORP structure is placed, and only works inside the ORP range)
Players receive RaidProtected tag upon joining the server for 7 days. Note that the raid protected tag only shows if you are on the same map as the raid protected tribe.
Players can check their raid protection with the '/pvecheck' command. 
Players can enable PVP mode and turn off their raid protection by typing the '/pvpon confirm' command. Note, this change is permanent, you will not get NPP again after disabling it.
Raid Protection/NPP ONLY WORKS INSIDE THE MAGA ORP Range (80 foundation radius). MAGA ORP structure must be placed for raid protection to work, and will only protect whatever is inside the ORP range. As soon as players/tames/structures are outside of ORP range, they can be damaged and are available for PVP.
Structures, players, and tames are protected as long as inside ORP range, so new players cannot be messed with.


If you have been wiped, feel free to submit a ticket with proof, and the staff MAY give you added raid protection time, to allow you to rebuild. The amount of time given per admin discretion.


Scorched Earth, 33, 81.5 
cheat setplayerpos 252445 -135494 -14870 -7.39 -28.49
No building allowed within render distance of the arena
No dinos allowed in the arena
Two crouch entrances, 3 floors with staircase entrance


Disabled / Buffed / Nerfed Dinos:
Chalk Golem (replaced by Rock Elemental)
Ovis - Disabled
Astrodelphis - Disabled
Fjordhawks - Disabled
Onyc - Disabled
Eel - Disabled
Ichtyornis - Disabled
Eurypterid - Disabled
Gallimimus - Disabled
Pegomastax - Disabled

Rhino - 2x Dmg
Diplo - 2x Res
Mek - 2x Dmg
Trike - 2x Res
Plesio - 2x Res
Phoenix - 2x Dmg 2x Res
Ice Wyvern - 1.25x Dmg
Ferox - 2x Dmg 2x Res
Snow Owls - 1.33x Res
Paraceratherium - 2x Res
Rock Elemental - 1.5x Dmg, 1.5x Res
Basilisk - 1.5x Res
Bronto - 1.5x Res
Megachelon - 1.5x Res
Spino - 2x Dmg, 1.5x Res
Velo - 3x Dmg
Magmasaur - 2x Dmg, 2x Res
Pachyrhinosaurus - 2x Dmg, 2x Res
Patchy - 2x Dmg, 2x Res
Astrocetus - 2x Res
Ext titans - 1.5x Dmg, 1.5x Res
Titanosaur - 2x Dmg, 2x Res
Arthropleura - 3x Dmg
Gasbags - 2x Res
HoverSail - 0.01x Res (1 shot)
Rhynio - 0.1x Res
Tape - 2x Res
Rockdrake - 2x Res
Quetz - 1.25x Res
Griffin - 1.25x Res
Maewing - 0.33x Res


Custom Drops, OSDs, Lava Golem, & Titan Loot Tables

Custom Lava Golem Map


Yellow and Blue OSDs are disabled

Easy and Medium Element Veins are disabled

All soups last 10 minutes

Weight - 10x (100 per point)
Melee - 1.5x (7.5 per point)
Fortitude - 5x (10 per point)
Crafting skill - 190x (1900 per point)
Oxygen - 20x (400 per point)
Water/Food Drain - 0.1
Stamina drain - 0.75

Health - 800
Crafting skill - 2000
Fortitude - 150

All dinos:
 weight - 25x