Press F1 to open shop
/points - shows amount of points
/shop - opens shop
/trade <'CharacterName'> <Amount> - sends points to other player (' ' - are necessary)
/kit <KitName> - redeems the kit with the kit name Ex. /kit starter
/buykit <kitname> - buys a kit with the kit name
/purchase - sends our donation store link.
/fill - fills and evenly redistributes all turrets with bullets from your inventory, can specify auto/heavy/tek
Ex. /fill - fills all turrets, /fill heavy - fills heavy turrets only, /fill tek - fills tek turrets only
/turrets - prints all available turret settings and options you can use to console (press tab twice by default)
Ex. /turrets on, /turrets heavy on, /turrets range high, /turrets heavy range high, /turrets target players, /turrets heavy target playerstamed, /turrets name 'MainWall' (' ' are necessary), /turrets heavy name 'Main Wall Heavy', /turrets MainWall off, etc.
/removeorp <name> - removes ORP (you can also physically pick up/demolish structure) with specified name
/listorp - shows the ORP placed and it's name
/orp - will give message saying if you are inside your own ORP or not, show ORP pvp cooldown
/showorp - shows ORP with a bubble
/pve - checks your new player protection status and time left
/pvpon confirm - disables NPP/Raid Protection
Type /verify in the bot commands channel on Discord, click on the /verify command in discord, and follow the step it tells you.
/kickme (in discord #bot-commands channel) - kicks you from the map you're on
/settribeloghook <webhook> - connects cluster-wide tribe log to the webhook created (don't need the <>)
/discord - shows info
/raidwarning <minutes> - sets the raidwarning to <minutes> so the bot lets you know when your structures take damage 0=OFF (don't need the <>)
/vote - shows website to vote for the server and earn reward
/claim - claims vote reward after voting on the /vote site
/suicide or /die - will kill the player. But not if they are grappled, under Noglin mind control, in handcuffs, unconscious etc...
/upload - uploads normally non-transferrable items such as element, shards, and tributes
/download - downloads everything you have uploaded using the /upload command or stuff that was uploaded automatically during server transfer
/groups - lists your groups and permissions
/decay - shows time since render and decay multiplier of targeted structure
/playerhelp - displays certain player utility commands
/getbags - this will recover all the players dead body bags within the players range (20 foundation range)
/clear - this will clear all resources within the range of the player (20 foundation range, doesn't harvest, just clears)
/transfergun - toggles the transfergun mode on/off, when on it will move inventories from A to B that you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol
/demogun - toggles the demogun mode on/off, when on it will demolish the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol
/pickupgun - toggles the pickupgun mode on/off, when on it will pick up the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol, provided it's at 100% health
/repairgun - toggles the repairgun mode on/off, when on it will repair the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol, provided you have the materials in your inventory (espects repair damage cooldown timer)
/engrams - unlocks all available engrams, even map specific
/repair - will repair all the structures within the range of the player. Uses resources from the players inventory and/or the dino they are riding. Respects repair damage cooldown timer.
/dinolimits - shows tribe tame limits
/structurelimits - shows tribe structure limits
/pvp 1 on - turns on damage numbers
/bodies - lists all bodies/body caches available with numbers
/body <number> - tracks and leads you to the body # you specified Ex. /body 1 will lead you to the #1 body listed after using the /bodies command
/getbody <number> - loots your body/cache of the # specified Ex. /getbody 1
/tribe - lists tribe member locations, saved base, and saved locations
/setbase - sets base location
/clearbase - clears base location
/saveloc <name> - sets a specific location with specific name Ex. /saveloc polytp - saves location named polytp at your coordinates
/removeloc <name> - removes specific location previously set Ex. /removeloc polytp
/countStructures - shows snap count for all structures connected to structure in crosshair
/stats - shows player stat leaders
/mystats - shows personal stats
/rarelist - shows the rare dinos on the current map
/mate - enables all dino mating in 10 foundation range (use /matetest to see range)
/nomate - disables mating in 20 foundation range (use /nomatetest to see range)
/claimdinos - claims 5 babies/dinos in 10 foundation range (use /claimdinostest to see range)
/farm - solo auto-farms with the carried dino without needing a rider
/levelhp - puts all points into health on the dino you are riding
/dinostats - prints the base stats of targeted player owned dino
/ds - Synonym for /dinostats
/dctokens - shows dino color token balance
/sdcr - uses 1 token from your balance and randomizes the target dino color (1 token can be use on multiple times on one dino for 30 minutes)
/sdc <region #> <color #> - looking at dino uses 1 token and sets that region to that color
Ex. /sdc 1 1 - sets region 1 to color 1 (google search ark dino colors)
/savedc <name> - saves the color scheme as the name (saved color schemes are species specific)
Ex. /savedc zebra - saves the color scheme as zebra in your saved dino color schemes for that species
/listdc - looking at a dino will list all available saved dino color schemes for that species
/loaddc <name> - looking at a dino loads the color scheme of that name
Ex. /loaddc zebra - load the color scheme of zebra to the target dino (uses a token IF that dino has not used a token previously)
/dinohelp - info about dino utilities
/pods - cryopod all or specified dinos in 10 foundation range (use /podstest to see range)
Ex. /pods or /pods giga or /pods name
/pod - cryopod one dino you are looking at instantly
/finishclone - (costs 200 points) completes the current cloning session you are looking at
/givebirth - (costs 100 points) complete the current gestation progress (10 foundation range)
/imprint - (costs 240 points) imprints the dino you are looking at (does not work on cloned dinos and other excluded dinos such as meks)
/imprintchange - (costs 240 points) change the imprint owner of the dino you are looking at
/dkill - kills the tamed dino you are looking at
/dmindwipe - (costs 200 points) mindwipe the dino you are looking at
/turretmode [on/off] (dino) - enable/disable turretmode for all or a specific dino in your range quickly (10 foundation range)
Ex. /turretmode on /turretmode off /turretmode off velo /turretmode velo on
/dinos - lists dead dinos/caches available with numbers
/getdino <number> - loots dino body/cashe of the # specified Ex. /getdino 1
/track - lists all tribe dinos available to track
/track <dino/name> - tracks a dino by type or name Ex. /track ankylosaurys , /track eternalarkdino (eternalarkdino being the dino name)
/neuter - neuters the dino you are aiming your crosshair at
/neuterall - neuters dinos in a 2 foundation range (use /neuteralltest to see the range)
/renamedinos - renames all dinos in a 5 foundation range (use /renamedinostest to see the range)
/feedgachas - while looking at an EA vault/aggregator, will feed all gachas within 200 foundations with the items inside
/dinosettings - can only be used by tribe owner to set tribe specific dino settings on each map
/cg - (costs 2000 points) change gender of the dino you are looking at
/hatch - (costs 300 points) hatch the egg you are looking at without having to wait for it to incubate
/grow - (costs 300 points) fully grows the baby you are looking at without having to wait
/buy refreshdinolimit - (costs 5 points) refreshes your tame limit (use if you do not feel your tame limit is showing correctly after using the /claimdinos command)