1.1 Be respectful
You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Keep all of your trash talk in the trash-talk channel. Do not inflict any form of misconduct such as attempts at dictatorship or blackmail. Stay away from language that is harmful, unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, homophobic, racist, sexually explicit, or ethnically offensive. Encouragement of self harm will also not be tolerated. Yes, this is PVP, and yes ARK gets toxic at times, but if situations get out of hand and start discouraging people from playing on the cluster, the situation will be reviewed and dealt with accordingly. Keep your trash talk in the proper channels and game-oriented.
1.2 Absolutely no racism, sexism, or any hate speech
Any racism, sexism, or slurs/hate speech will not be tolerated and will be met with an immediate ban. And if you have any doubt, just don't. Edgy/evasive racism will be treated the same.
1.3 No spamming
Don't send a lot of small messages right after each other. Do not disrupt chat by spamming.
1.4 No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material
This is a community server and not meant to share this kind of material.
1.5 No advertisements
We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements, whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your content in the self-promote as long as it is relevant to Eternal Ark.
1.6 No staff disrespect/accusations
This will absolutely never be tolorated. The staff work very hard to bring you the best server and gaming experience. All staff members are selected VERY carefully, and will stay abuse and prejudice free, and will always be completely impartial.
1.7 Direct & Indirect Threats
Threats to other users of DDoS, Death, DoX, abuse, and other malicious threats are absolutely prohibited.
1.8 English Only in Public
When speaking in public channels/global chats, please keep the conversation to English only.
1.9 No Accusations
No accusations of cheating, hacking, or any rule breaking on any public forum such as global chat or public discord chats. If you believe someone is breaking rules, cheating, or hacking, submit-ticket with DEFINITIVE VIDEO PROOF.
2.1 No offensive names and profile pictures
You will be asked to change your name or picture if the staff deems them inappropriate.
2.2 Follow the Discord Community Guidelines
You can find them here: https://discordapp.com/guidelines
3.1 Follow the ark Code of Conduct (small tribes rules apply)
3.2 No hacking, scripting, macroing, cheating, duping, 3rd party programs, or exploiting of any kind
Two exceptions are: auto clicker, and 3rd party cross hairs. Do not exploit any bugs, if you find a bug report it to the admin team immediately.
3.3 Always use english letters or numbers for character, tribe, and dino names
The plug-in will enforce this rule in most situations, but do not attempt to find ways around it. Do not use any symbols not found in the English alphabet. Some names that are prohibited include: Human, Survivor, Admin, GM, Player, 123, 321, OneTwoThree, □□□ or anything similar.
3.4 No Insiding
Insiding is strictly forbidden. Be thoughtful when choosing a tribe leader as you may not leave a tribe and take items without tribe leader's consent. You may not disable defences to allow entry/raid opportunity to another tribe. You may not cause destruction or harm from within the tribe. Tribe leader has full control of tribe.
3.5 No Popcorning/Despawning
Do not popcorn/despawn/destroy/demolish during raid, especially when facing imminent base destruction. Preventing tribes from any deserved loot is forbidden.
3.6 No Teaming
Tribes are not allowed to team in any PVP scenario on the same map. This includes but is not limited to; joint raids, simultaneously defending a tribe from another tribe's attacks, coordinated attacks, leaving a tribe to help another tribe, and more. Trading or public teleporting is also prohibited during raid scenarios. ALL parties involved will be punished. When two tribes attack the same tribe on different bases/maps, first time MAY be seen as a coincidence unless proof of teaming is provided, but the next time will considered teaming and BOTH tribeswill be punished.
3.7 Open World Third Party Rule
You are allowed to third party open world as long as you are actively fighting against ALL involved tribes evenly. If you are reported and the tribe log paints a clear picture of teaming, punishment may occur.
3.8 Raid Third Party Rule
You are allowed to counter a raid fob with the intent to take over the raid. If you are third partying a fob, you must take over the raid after the fob is successfully wiped and continue the raid on the defending tribe. Teaming rules apply - 1st counter MAY be seen as coincidence, any further counters to protect/overwhelm the defending tribe will be considered teaming.
3.9 PVE Teaming Rule
PVE is considered Boss fights, missions, reaper impregnating, and PVE teaming IS allowed. If you are actively PVE teaming with other tribes and a 3rd party occurs, you are allowed to team and defend yourselves together.
3.10 No Dino Stacking
You are not allowed to stack multiple dinos within their own hitbox or small area. If there is any doubt or question, spread your dinos out so there's no doubt or confusion.
3.11 No C4 capping
Do not place excessive quantities of C4 to prevent enemy C4 from being placed. Place yours, and blow it in timely manner.
3.12 Tribe names and tribe leaders must be the same on every map
We have a plug-in that forces the same tribe name and leader across all maps, but in case this is bypassed accidentally, please submit a ticket and let us know.
3.13 No account sharing, family sharing, or multiple characters
3.14 No real money trading for in-game items or services
3.15 Caging/Prisoner rules
During raids there is no timer as to how long you can keep players caged for. However should the raid get successfully countered by a 3rd party the caged players must be released.
3.16 No scamming
There will be no trade mediation, so trade at your own risk. However, scamming is still against server rules, so it is recommended you record all your trades to protect yourself from scamming. Submit a ticket, and the admins will punish the scammer, however we cannot promise to return any lost items to you.
3.17 No ORP on FOBs
You are not allowed to put ORPs on any fobs. ORPs can only be placed on main bases.
3.18 NPP/Raid Protection Rules
You MAY NOT grief players who have New Player Protection active. Griefing consists of but is not limited to; using building tricks to mess with new players, sniping new players outside of their base, killing new players' tames at their base, not allowing new players to come outside of their base, placing turrets by their base, etc. Open world is always fair game.
NOTE: Players under NPP, it is YOUR responsibility to let the griefers know you have NPP and ask them to leave. If it happens to you, please submit a ticket with proof (recording/screenshots).
- For NPP/RP ORP MUST be placed to activate.
- NPP/Raid Protected players MAY NOT tame titans and keep them inside ORP.
- NPP/Raid Protected players MAY NOT attempt to raid/pvp at other's bases. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
3.19 Player/Tribe Rules
Each tribe may only have 7 players.
Each player may only belong to 1 tribe across all the maps (no tribing people that play in a different tribe)
3.20 No Impersonating
No impersonating Admins, Staff team, other players, other tribes, or raid protected tribes. You cannot have a name too similar to any player or tribe, and you may not name yourself anything similar to [Raid Protected].
3.21 No Disallowed Dinos on Aberration
Any tribe caught using dinos on aberration that are usually disallowed on ab will be punished with a full map dino wipe without warning. It is a very rare bug that will immediately be punished if abused. If you see any non-aberration dinos, please report them immediately.
3.22 Merged Tribe Break-Up Rules
When a previously merged tribe decides to break up, the tribe leader must ALWAYS give the previously merged tribe enough time to take ALL of their previously owned dinos, items, and structures. If there is ANY confusion or mediation is needed when merged tribes decide to split, please contact an admin. If a leader simply kicks all the merged players without giving the players the fair time or deserved loot, it MAY be considered scamming.
3.23 No Mesh Biting or Hitting
No biting through mesh with dinos (including meks / titans) DOES NOT APPLY IN CROUCH LOCATIONS.
(Includes luring corrupted dinos to enemy bases on Extinction).
3.24 No Taxing
You are not allowed to tax players for any reason. This is not your small tribes map, this is a community server with only a few maps. Anyone can build anywhere they desire as long as they abide by the rules.
3.25 No Vault Spamming during PVP
You may not exploit the no-collision setting and spam vaults in choke points. You may place vaults NEXT to one another but MAY NOT stack them inside of one another during raid scenarios. All vaults must always be clearly visible and not inside of other vaults.
3.26 No Ban Evading
No ban evading of any kind. This includes and is not limited to replacing banned players in your tribe roster and using methods to play on other accounts while yours is banned.
3.27 No member swapping during raids
You may not swap out members during a raid. However if the tribe was not full at the start of the raid, members may be invited to fill the remaining slots as long as they don't come from another actively playing tribe on the cluster.
3.28 No Raiding [Raid Protected] Tribes
You are not allowed to raid tribes that are in PVE that also means you are not allowed to raid while under PVE.
- World PVP is allowed, you can/will be killed outside of your walls, so explore at your own risk.
- Check if someone is in PVE by typing /pvecheck.
4.1 Two Limited Spots Per Tribe
Limited spot list can be found HERE. Alpha of the cluster is the only exception to this rule, and is allowed to have 3 limited locations. Upon raiding a limited location, you are allowed to attempt to sell the spot for the next 24 hours. After 24 hours, you have to pick up your fob and all structures around the Limited Spot.
4.2 No meshing/mesh building
You are not allowed to have any structures inside of the mesh or in any areas where building isn't intended. A part of the structure must ALWAYS be visible. You are not allowed to enter unintended game world areas via any mesh method.
*Any turrets that are placed on terrain, that cannot be damaged will also be considered a mesh structure, and will be removed by admins if found and reported. It is your responsibility to make sure every turret you place can be damaged.
4.3 No building in spawn points, nests, wyvern scars, mission zones, or banned locations
You may find the list of banned locations below. Do not build at any spawns, dino egg nests, mission zones, gen 2 mission areas or banned locations FOR ANY REASON AT ANY TIME. Any structures found on these points will be removed without warning and may lead to harsher punishment.
Note: Building at gen 2 terminals OR mission zones, OR any banned locations is strictly prohibited.
Note: Base location spawns (such as central cave) are allowed to be built.
Note: MODDED/Limited base locations are also always allowed to be built.
4.4 No blocking characters or dinos with structures
You cannot place structures on top of you, another player, or a dino, making the model completely concealed, immobilized, or invulnerable. You may still use gates to gate in dinos.
4.5 No illegal racers, quetzals, or other illegally built platform dinos or skiffs
You may not completely conceal your dino with platform structures to stop them from getting shot by turrets from more than 2 sides. Hatchframe dinos are still allowed.
4.6 No Team Building
You may not build bases close enough to other tribes where you provide mutual defenses to one another. An example would be building in the same cave, or having both tribes' turrets covering the others.
4.7 Rat Hole Rules
No building in locations where a player is required to KO, use a chair, use a dino, use a zipline, or anything along those lines to enter. Simply put, if you can't walk or swim into a spot, don't build there. If there is any doubt about a spot, please submit a ticket and ask before building.
4.8 Spam Rules
IMPORTANT: Spam range can be clearly seen by using the Range Finder structure found in your engrams. Simply place it at your cave/base entrance and it will show you how far your spam should extend.
- ALL SPAM is limited to render distance (75 foundations) away from cave entrance or main base.
- Spam is limited to 2 snapped structures. You may not have snapped (carpet) spam.
- You may place turret towers or TPs WITHOUT SPAM outside of render distance.
4.9 NO ORP/Claiming Spots Without Full Base
You are not allowed to ORP or Claim a base location unless you are actively using it as YOUR OWN base.
You are not allowed to ORP a location after a raid unless you are building it as your own base.
You are not allowed to ORP/Claim a base location to sell it.
You cannot simply gate/turret off a location and put ORP down. Holding a spot without an active base will result in the location being dev wiped without warning.
ORPs are designed to protect YOUR ACTIVE BASE, not claim spots so you can think about what you will do with them later. DO NOT abuse this structure, and do not claim spots you are not actively using.
4.10 You may only have 1 limited OR modded location per map
You may find a list of all alpha/limited and modded locations below. Each tribe is limited to ONE limited/modded spot per map.
4.11 Floating Turrets Rule
The only floating turrets allowed are the ones in the middle of hatchframes. All other versions of floating turrets (such as turrets on trap doors) are NOT allowed.
4.12. No Exploiting Foundation Support
You may not use the world borders for placing foundations for support from the top of the ceiling, or any other methods of exploiting to get foundation support. Foundation support must come from the ground or cliff platforms.
4.13 No Turret Capping with Crop Plots or Plants
You may only use Auto, Heavy, and Tek turrets to turret cap opponents during raids.
4.14 No Tunneling
You may not use a build similar to a tunnel to bypass enemy turret range in order to break structures. Using walls/ceilings/turrets etc to line of sight turrets on a fortnite / fob is allowed. This includes Campfires, Vessels, etc.
No open-world structures that are not related to your base, especially turrets, tek force fields, and gates. (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted).
-Turrets, Forcefield, Gens, etc around OSD's are allowed.
ELEMENT ARENA RULES (Scorched Earth - 33, 81.5)
- No building within render distance of the arena.
- No dinos allowed inside the arena.